Feb 25, 2008

CBS Interview

Below is the link to the interview on CBS with Lisa Chan that was on the Sunday morning news on February 17th. I loved getting to meet the morning crew! Everyone was so nice, so friendly - when the interview ended, I said, "I want to do that again!"

We went straight from CBS to my friend Beth and John's house so we could watch it on Tivo since it was live. You know how after an interview you go over each question, and think, "I should have said this, I could have said that?" I totally obsessed over the coulda-shoulda-woulda for a bit. But, I was just happy I made it on time! I was miked up, sitting at the interview table, and then about a good ten minutes or so before the "His Cold Feet" talk, I decided I had to use the restroom. The producer kindly put me in the direction of the ladies room, and I assured him I'd find my way back. No problem. (Yeah, right!) I was making my way back --- Enter door, go straight, then right. Or was it left? Uh-oh! I found myself behind the "news set" but I didn't know which way to turn. I could hear voices reporting, but I couldn't see any faces. My temperature started to rise, and my imagination started to run on fear. "Oh no, oh no, what if I step out where I'm not supposed to --- or worse, what if I accidentally fall, knock over the set, lights, equipment, and make an appearance that way....." Oh, I can be quite the dramaticneurotic. "Stay calm, stay calm - and do not trip" I told myself. And then, thank goodness! I saw the weatherman walking by and I ran in his direction. I was so thankful to see him, "Excuse me, excuse me, I was at a table, and now I'm not, and I don't know how to get back....." And kindly he put me in the right direction.


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