Feb 13, 2008

HIS COLD FEET - the book

I've been blogging on my myspace page, and after hearing from people to set up shop here I decided to do so. And, I have to say, this site is quite cool! I now feel like an official blogger!

So I start here on Feb 13. My book, HIS COLD FEET: a guide for the woman who wants to tie the knot with the guy who wants to talk about it later (St. Martin's Press) hit the stores just in time for Feb 14! If you're not familiar with the title, here's the book description:

Finally, a book that offers a behind-the-scenes look at what happens when she is ready to tie the knot and he prefers to talk about it later. HIS COLD FEET is a collection of stories, commentaries, and practical advice that will ultimately create a bridge between women and men, enabling each to better understand the other’s experience when facing a marriage commitment. HIS COLD FEET is the ultimate guide and a definite must-read for the woman who feels stuck in neutral within her relationship.

In His Cold Feet, you’ll find:

Advice on how to have “the talk”
How to deal with the dreaded “When are you two getting married?”
The scoop on ultimatums
A man’s perspective on popping the question
How to manage “pre-engagement limbo”
How to find out what’s really behind his cold feet
When to walk away
And lots of other crucial, sanity-saving advice.


Makes a great Valentine's gift!

1 comment:

~ said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!
I look forward to reading your blog!
I also look forward to reading your blog!

Happy Blogging~