Mar 30, 2012

Time to get a Blogging groove on

It hit me when I recently did a radio show and was asked for my website address. Oops. I accidentally missed the renewal notice this year so expired. Now a host based in the Bahamas is trying to sell the domain back for about $300. Then I was asked for a Facebook page? "Oooh, don't have one." A twitter address then? "Nope, definitely don't have a twitter." A blog? "Not really." The following week, took out a new domain name, set up a Facebook page, and did a search for my blog password. Haven't posted here since 2008! It's good to be back!

Nov 22, 2008

on Bay Area Vista - Nov 23 at 10am on NBC

Ready, Set, Tivo! Scotty and I were guests on the show Bay Area Vista recently and the segment will air (tomorrow) Sunday, Nov 23 at 10am.

The whole getting engaged thing completely took over our relationship at the time. So my intro which included, "obsessed with getting engaged" serves me right. Afterall, I thought I was going to see "will you marry me" on the backdrop screen at a BNL concert.

This was a little payback time for Scotty.

Here's scoop about the show from the station:


Andrea Passman Candell, Author of His Cold Feet, will be featured on this week’s Bay Area Vista, airing Sunday, November 23rd at 10:00 a.m. on NBC Bay Area. After falling in love and moving in with her now husband Scot, Andrea became frustrated while waiting for her reluctant boyfriend to pop the question. Thus became the inspiration for her book, and the goal to help other women in similar situations. Andrea and Scot will share their story and the way in which they worked together to find common ground. Tune in to hear about their tips for marital bliss!

Sep 24, 2008

Bay Area Vista

Last week Scotty and I went to NBC in San Jose to do a taping for the show, Bay Area Vista. It'll air in Nov. The host, Janice Edwards, was just so nice! I loved meeting her. We couldn't have felt more comfortable there. On the car ride down I joked with Scotty that it was Pay Back time for him. But he remained very kind : )
On our way to the south bay we reminisced about the limbo days. We talked about what helped (communication) and what didn't (questioning friends and family).
There were a gazillion tips I thought I'd share on the show about how to get through it, but most of them didn't make it out of my mouth. The talking points go right out the window.
I've been getting more and more emails lately from readers asking what helped us get past the pre-engagement daze. For me, it was knowing how he felt about this next phase in our relationship. We both wanted to get engaged, but at different times. We were on different time zones, and needed to manage that. And when I wanted to know what was stopping the pop, I'd ask him (and actually everyone else who would share an opinion). But asking him to share his thoughts, and me sharing mine, definitely helped. We let each other know which page we were on.
Talking about how we each felt about the transition, and being okay with each other's differences was key. Guys and women can feel very differently about tying the knot. Guys can see it as an end to part of who they are. And most women see it as a beginning. Understanding that really helped.
As they always say, Communication is the most important ingredient for a happy marriage.

Jul 23, 2008

Getting over my own bout of cold feet....

Mine was a case of cold feet from making a decision about where to live. And here are the lessons I learned from deciding if we should land on the east coast or back west:
Wooah -- Big decisions are tough to make.
Be careful who you take advice from, because what may be good for one person may not be good for you.
Turn to that friend who is a really good sounding board.
Talk to people who are neutral, you know, those who don't have an agenda as to what they want you to do.
Know that nothing has to be permanent.
Yes, there will always be pros and cons.
That you can never be certain of the future outcome of your decision, and that has to be okay.
That it helps to make a decision based on what it is that you want in the moment, right now....
You should be really excited about a part of your final decision.....Yes, there will be the scary mixed in with the exciting -- but a part of your decision should include the exciting....
And, whatever you decide to do -- jump into it with two feet.

Mar 22, 2008

ready set go....

I just posted this as a reply to someone's comment on the forum, and thought it would be good to share here too. I must figure out how to "feed" text from blog to forum, forum to blog.....

Here it goes:
The whole thing about pre-engagement limbo is about what happens when a woman is ready for marriage before her boyfriend is ready to pop the question. Communication, sharing, honesty, and Understanding are so important to help get through it. So important to see how most women and men can be programmed differently when it comes to the "M" word. And, with that said, seeing how the boyfriend handles this stage will give you great insight and information about who this guy really is. His reactions and behaviors will help you tell if he's genuinely being fair and honest about his jitters and how he feels about marriage and your relationship ---- or if he's stringing you along and is up to no good.

Was recently at dinner with friends, and one couple shared about their pre-engagement days. The husband said about his wife, "She never made me feel like I was the end-all-be-all of her existence. She didn't think that I was the Only guy for her. And she knew she wanted to get married, so I knew I had to get my act together. Because if I didn't, then she'd end up with someone else who did."

Mar 5, 2008

10 Quick Tips for the woman who wants to tie the knot....

Ten Quick Tips for the woman who wants to tie the knot with the guy who wants to talk about it later:

1. Remember - most guys want to get married, they just want to put it off for as long as they can.
2. Make sure you and your boyfriend are on the same page about marriage, children, etc. - Let him know where you stand - and clearly!
3. Stop dropping those daily hints about marriage - plan a really good heart to heart chat instead.
4. When it comes to marriage understand how women and men can be programmed differently (no one ever said, "diamonds are a man's best friend).
5. Most guys think about the "Bigger Better Deal" - so try not to take it too personally.
6. His hesitancy does not necessarily mean rejection.
7. Try not to compare the pace of your relationship to all the friends who are getting married --- how quickly a couple gets engaged does not reflect the quality of the relationship.
8. Be in touch with why you want to get engaged right now at this time in your relationship.
9. Give yourself an ultimatum instead of putting one on him.
10. Know When to Keep Him and Know When It's Time to Sweep Him!

And if there were a number 11, of course it would be, "Pick up a Copy of HIS COLD FEET" - it'll help!

Feb 26, 2008

Come see me at Book Passage

If you're in the Bay Area hope you'll join me for a fun HIS COLD FEET book talk, wine, and cheese at Book Passage Corte Madera on Saturday, March 1 at 4pm.

Feb 25, 2008

CBS Interview

Below is the link to the interview on CBS with Lisa Chan that was on the Sunday morning news on February 17th. I loved getting to meet the morning crew! Everyone was so nice, so friendly - when the interview ended, I said, "I want to do that again!"

We went straight from CBS to my friend Beth and John's house so we could watch it on Tivo since it was live. You know how after an interview you go over each question, and think, "I should have said this, I could have said that?" I totally obsessed over the coulda-shoulda-woulda for a bit. But, I was just happy I made it on time! I was miked up, sitting at the interview table, and then about a good ten minutes or so before the "His Cold Feet" talk, I decided I had to use the restroom. The producer kindly put me in the direction of the ladies room, and I assured him I'd find my way back. No problem. (Yeah, right!) I was making my way back --- Enter door, go straight, then right. Or was it left? Uh-oh! I found myself behind the "news set" but I didn't know which way to turn. I could hear voices reporting, but I couldn't see any faces. My temperature started to rise, and my imagination started to run on fear. "Oh no, oh no, what if I step out where I'm not supposed to --- or worse, what if I accidentally fall, knock over the set, lights, equipment, and make an appearance that way....." Oh, I can be quite the dramaticneurotic. "Stay calm, stay calm - and do not trip" I told myself. And then, thank goodness! I saw the weatherman walking by and I ran in his direction. I was so thankful to see him, "Excuse me, excuse me, I was at a table, and now I'm not, and I don't know how to get back....." And kindly he put me in the right direction.

Feb 13, 2008

HIS COLD FEET - the book

I've been blogging on my myspace page, and after hearing from people to set up shop here I decided to do so. And, I have to say, this site is quite cool! I now feel like an official blogger!

So I start here on Feb 13. My book, HIS COLD FEET: a guide for the woman who wants to tie the knot with the guy who wants to talk about it later (St. Martin's Press) hit the stores just in time for Feb 14! If you're not familiar with the title, here's the book description:

Finally, a book that offers a behind-the-scenes look at what happens when she is ready to tie the knot and he prefers to talk about it later. HIS COLD FEET is a collection of stories, commentaries, and practical advice that will ultimately create a bridge between women and men, enabling each to better understand the other’s experience when facing a marriage commitment. HIS COLD FEET is the ultimate guide and a definite must-read for the woman who feels stuck in neutral within her relationship.

In His Cold Feet, you’ll find:

Advice on how to have “the talk”
How to deal with the dreaded “When are you two getting married?”
The scoop on ultimatums
A man’s perspective on popping the question
How to manage “pre-engagement limbo”
How to find out what’s really behind his cold feet
When to walk away
And lots of other crucial, sanity-saving advice.


Makes a great Valentine's gift!