Mar 22, 2008

ready set go....

I just posted this as a reply to someone's comment on the forum, and thought it would be good to share here too. I must figure out how to "feed" text from blog to forum, forum to blog.....

Here it goes:
The whole thing about pre-engagement limbo is about what happens when a woman is ready for marriage before her boyfriend is ready to pop the question. Communication, sharing, honesty, and Understanding are so important to help get through it. So important to see how most women and men can be programmed differently when it comes to the "M" word. And, with that said, seeing how the boyfriend handles this stage will give you great insight and information about who this guy really is. His reactions and behaviors will help you tell if he's genuinely being fair and honest about his jitters and how he feels about marriage and your relationship ---- or if he's stringing you along and is up to no good.

Was recently at dinner with friends, and one couple shared about their pre-engagement days. The husband said about his wife, "She never made me feel like I was the end-all-be-all of her existence. She didn't think that I was the Only guy for her. And she knew she wanted to get married, so I knew I had to get my act together. Because if I didn't, then she'd end up with someone else who did."

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